Choosing a Hair Transplant Surgeon

The final visual effect is undoubtedly the most important factor in hair transplant surgery, with cost being the second critical factor. The way people evaluate the quality versus the cost is utterly individual and subjective. Should one buy a Mercedes-Benz or a Toyota? Both are solid cars and should give many years of reliable service. There is a product for everybody. Hence, prices per graft can vary from just above one euro to seven euros (between two and ten US dollars) depending on the technique applied, location and the reputation of the clinic - but not so much on the quality. The hair transplantation industry is global. You should not let geographic distance limit your options. You will find lot of information on the web on how to choose a good surgeon, both sponsored info as well as fair, unbiased tips. A cautious and considerate approach is required here. You should educate yourself first, so that you can make an informed decision.

The starting point of your surgeon search could be friends' references, the internet, TV commercials, etc. The internet is a powerful medium and the cosmetic surgery industry is very good at promoting itself on the web. One can find numerous websites sponsored by hair transplant clinics that educate laymen on the latest hair surgery issues. Every hair transplant clinic has a decent website and every hair transplant consultant has one, too. Even some former hair transplant patients have their own educational blogs powered by their clinic. And there are "independent" associations of hair transplant surgeons and clinics that advise the public on the best surgeons and the best clinics in the industry. Researching the hair transplant industry is not an easy task. One thing most of these websites have in common, though, is that they seldom discuss the risks. And if they do, they point out the weaknesses of their competitors. Claims that everybody is an ideal candidate for a hair transplant and testimonials by twenty-something-years-old guys claiming that surgery changed their lives should arouse your suspicions. Before and after pictures deserve your close inspection. If they look too good to be true, they probably are. Many hair transplant clinics specialise in follicular unit extraction (FUE) only and have no previous experience in the area of follicular unit transplantation (FUT). In such cases it is absolutely necessary to research the surgeon's previous references. Hair transplant forums on the web can be extremely helpful here. Hair transplantation is more art than surgery. The surgeon must create an illusion of density with the little hair he can use. This cannot be learned overnight.

Other important thing you should do, beyond your own extensive internet research, is to ask the selected clinics for references and verify them. Meet and talk to former patients to see the work and hear how satisfied they are with their hair transplant. Talk to them in person as pictures can be deceiving. Some former hair loss sufferers become hair transplant consultants following successful surgery. They will be glad to meet you for a personal consultation. Whether you decide on a large clinic or a small surgery, make sure you get to talk to your hair transplant surgeon before undergoing the procedure. You need to address the risks with him and hear assurances from his very own mouth. Take your time and think twice. This decision will change your appearance for life. You must convince yourself first that you really want to have it done.